Intake IGAD

Hi all,

To get into NHTV IGAD (this was before IGAD V2), I had to do an Intake Assignment with four sub-assignments. In this post, I will show the work I made to get into IGAD.

Assignment 1 - Self-Portrait

For the first assignment, I had to draw a portrait of myself with a mirror. It wasn't extremely difficult, but I really needed to sit down and take the time to make one. I think I made three in total, but this one had the right angle. I was (and still am) proud of the drawing, I think it captures my likeness well. (Keep in mind that I was a bit younger then. Oh and I broke my nose when I was very young...which shows)

The self-Portrait I made at the time (took me a while xD)

Assignment 2 - Drawing of a Vehicle

This drawing was a lot harder for me. I've always been very interested in faces, but vehicles have never interested me at all ( apart from the Audi R8 haha). I think that is why drawing a car, even a car with so much memory, was a lot more difficult. This image is the second try that I did.
My drawing of the 2CV of my dad. I've spent a lot of holidays in this car

Assignment 3 - Drawing of Architecture

The third assignment, making a drawing of architecture, was even harder. Not because the architecture doesn't interest me, it interests me more than cars. The hard thing about this one was that it was not really a single object that I needed to focus on. Before I even started drawing, I had to find the things that I wanted to draw - My street? My house? Moreover, I needed to find the right position to sit and draw. First, I chose a spot in the middle of our garden. I would draw the back side of my house but then it started to rain....😑. So I moved and chose a spot inside the house, where we had very big windowed doors. Without the distractions of the weather, I drew this picture of the backside of my house and the shed.

This is the architecture drawing I made. That rose-bush took a long time to make but I think it adds a lot to the image. 

Assignment 4 - 3D Bike

The final assignment was the hardest for me. I had zero previous experience with Maya or any other 3D modeling program. So I started with some tutorials and I made tons of pictures of my own bike. After that, it was just working and working and working for a week or two. Shifting vertices, selecting edges, cutting faces and extruding. I was very proud of this one, I even put in little details like the key in the bike lock and the different colors.

Nothing is textured ( because I had no idea that existed ), so I gave different colors to different materials with the default shaders. I even added extra faces in order to have different colors on a single part of the bike 😂.

Bike - Intake Assigment

Bike - Intake Assigment - With visible edges
