My road to NHTV

Before I start telling you about my time at the NHTV, It might be good to give you a small background story of how I actually got there.

I was born August the 4th 1995, in a place called Almere in the Netherlands. Even as a child, I was always very fond of drawing and fantasy. At the age of 12, I moved from Almere (bigger City) to a small town, Liessel. I got my "VWO-diploma" at the age of 17. This is a Dutch education diploma that provides access to a WO Bachelor education or as we call it: 'Universiteit'. However, with this diploma you can also attend HBO and MBO educations, which are lower levels. 

Looking back at that moment, I can see that I made two mistakes considering my choice for a follow-up education. Firstly, I didn't spend a lot of time on it. I was doing my state exams. I could either work on a boring choice for the future or I could study and get better grades on my diploma. Secondly, I had this false idea in my head: When you finish 'VWO' you have to do a WO education. Why do an HBO study?? That is below my level of intelligence ...yeah right. So I started crossing of all of the WO educations which I found boring. Surprise Surprise, all of them were... However, there was one study, Industrial Design Eindhoven (aka 'IDe'), which I found quite interesting. (This was almost the only WO education with creative courses like drawing) Because it was literally the only study I found interesting, compared to all the other studies, in my mind, it got better and better. 

So, unsurprisingly It didn't work out.
It took me half a year of misery, crying, self-doubt and delaying to finally realize that some people, including me, are just not made for a completely theoretical University education. At 'IDe' I had to think about social problems (how do I want to change the world) and think up devices that couldn't even be made. I had to think about what I wanted to learn and how I wanted to do that, but at that point in my life, I just didn't have any goals or dreams yet. I wanted more guidance and a more practical study, so I quit. The next half year I did something that I learned a lot from. I would recommend it to everyone. When you're not sure what education you want to, get a job. 

Half a year, I worked full time in the kitchens of Center parks. I also went to a study coach group to find a new education. Pros: 
  1. I was happy. I had nice colleagues, whom I could call my friends. Working made sure I was never bored. When I was done working, I would game on my pc and then go to sleep. With satisfaction. 
  2. You might say that working really made me a more grown up and secure person. I exercised 2 hours a day (cycling to my work :O). I suddenly started cleaning up more. I started taking up responsibilities. Especially my mom was very happy with this haha. I had to manage my own finances with a bit of help now and then. 
  3. I got rich :) No explanation necessary. 
  4. I had enough time to work on a new education choice. I chose the  NHTV 3D Visual Design. 
Even though it took me a year longer to find my right education, I wouldn't change anything. I met a lot of awesome people along the way. And when you learn from your mistakes they make you a far better person.

A picture of me and my Introduction group for IDe
