About me & the blog

About me

Hi, my name is Sjoukje Terheijden. I am a 22-year-old Visual Art student at the NHTV university of applied sciences in Breda, The Netherlands.

I am a User Interface enthusiast and I love it when simple and slick art comes together with a nice interactive and fun design. I like to draw/doodle and solve puzzles. When I work, I always try to find a way to alternate between doing creative (art)work and working on technical challenges. Moreover, I constantly seek to learn more and improve my skills.

At this moment I am working very hard to get an internship in Game UI development.

About the blog

The main function of the blog is getting myself into the habit of posting online. I've always had a lot of trouble showing my work to others. I am a perfectionist by nature, which often is very good because it makes me strive for the best results. However, in the past years, it has also been holding me back. Especially when it comes to showing my work because I constantly feel that my work is never good enough.

For a few years, I have been waiting for my 'golden project'. The perfect introduction to me and my work. Now I've realized that that project will never show up and that you can better be a somebody with 'so-so' work online, then a nobody with no work online.

This blog will be my starting point. A place where I will show my work, like Art Station but more informal. The blog will include small projects (such as spontaneous Art/Tech jams) and Bigger projects (like half-year start-to-finish Front-End projects for games) in which I will explain my thinking + working process.

I hope you enjoy the blog and if you have any questions feel free to email me 📧
